Maison de Maitre en vente a na - Iles de Madère


Luxury villa has superb views of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mountains of the Village

This manor luxury villa has superb views of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mountains of the Village, which seems taken from a book. Merges harmoniously into the surrounding landscape in full communion with nature. The use of all outer space, solar exposure and prime location on the south side of the island, favors the entry of natural light throughout the property protects from rain and wind and allows the view over the ocean, seeking a unity between interior and Outdoor and projection of a space without limits .. the prestige of the whole area, allows you to have your feet Furnas (one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world), also has at its disposal the Botanical Garden, one of the best Hotels Azores, the prestigious Terra Nostra, where you can leave yourself in the pleasure of the mysteries of the natural hot water ..... or if you want something more intimate, you can be on your own private beach, where the sea touches this property.
€ 2,500,000



Cable / Satellite

Built Area 472 m2
Land size 672000 m2


Ponta Delgada 18 Km

18 Km

5 Km

1 Km

6.5 Km

14 Km

5 Km

15 Km

4.8 Km

3.5 Km



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